Sunday, August 24, 2008


The "taddok" is the native dance of Kalinga.

The men beat gongs as they skip their feet with the tempo and dance around.

The women dance the "tanggi"; hands wide open and at shoulder level while they skip too to the tempo of the gongs.

They dance round the plaza and may perform certain dance formations to add variety to the otherwise monotonous steps.

The taddok is usually performed during festivities and fiestas.

They also conduct taddok contests to make the festivity livelier and well participated in.

The native folks wear their best costumes and create different variations of the steps to win.

The picture above is of young men having fun with their "costumed" peers.

The young women in a pose, before the taddok.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Earning $ 12.54 From MyLot During My Free Time For Only 19 Days

I'm happy to announce that I've earned $12.54 as of today at the MyLot forum.

I spent just a few hours after work at MyLot but I'm satisfied with my earnings. I have never earned more in other PTC sites or money making sites.

I don't even have referrals, now if you'll sign up and be active, then I'll be earning more.

Most MyLotters are very intelligent people and I find my discussions well replied to and commented on. There are several categories that you could discuss.

It is a very satisfying venture because I got to do what I enjoy and earn at the same time.

Sign in and join in the fun.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


This blog takes a breather from Kalinga culture, by featuring
Matthew S. Urdan's ongoing contest entitled Page Rank Olympics.

A cool $175 cash is at stake and the rules are very simple:

Copy pasted from Matt's Blog



1. Register for the Page Rank Olympics by leaving a comment at Matt's post with your current Google PR and Technorati Ranking. All PRs and Technorati Authority Rankings will be verified on Saturday night.

2. Write a post on your blog about the contest and the Olympic Games.

3. Link Matt's post to your own post.

4. Comment back on Matt's post that you have made your own post about the contest and the Olympic Games.

5. Matt will link to every participating blog, and author an Olympic-oriented post referencing every participating blog. All participating blogs are encouraged to do the same.

6. Use whatever graphics you want.

7. The blog that has the highest increase in Google Page Rank and Technorati Authority at the close of the Olympic Games on August 24th Wins.

8. Prizes will be awarded on August 31st, 2008.


Gold Medal: The blog that increases the most in both Google Page Rank and Technorati Authority will win a $100 Grand Prize.

Silver Medal: The blog that has the highest increase in Technorati Authority will win a $50 Prize.

Bronze Medal: The blog that has the 2nd highest increase in Technorati Authority will win a $25 Prize.


So there you are folks, visit Matt's blog to read more and leave your message of participation.

