Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Banawe Rice Terraces

The Banawe Rice Terraces are much the same way as the rice fields in Kalinga. Man's intrepid and enterprising spirit is displayed in this man made structure. These are great pictures taken by fallacious truth


ajchtar said...

I know about the terraces and the worms that are reportedly plaguing it, its sad how many of the kids today do not appreciate the beauty of our ancestral roots, hopefully they'll look back and say "hey, we need more farmers!" then again, that's why people like me are advocates of agricultural causes, thank you for posting! :)

Holly Jahangiri said...

Those are beautiful. ajchtar, I think kids today do not want to get their hands dirty. They don't want to spend all day working in the fields. I don't know how you get them to appreciate that beauty, and the value of hard work, when there are so many alternatives. It has been so since the first dazzling cities sprang up, though...and there are always a few, it seems, who prefer hard work and a simpler life.

Even in 1918, after WWI:

Jena Isle said...

Hello Holly,

I grew up amongst those fields. It's eking a living. And sadly, I have not yet gone back for a visit. In time perhaps.

ajchtar said...

nice to see you holly, one of my favorite anonymous quotes is "a good example is the best sermon." I can't inspire people to do it unless i show that I can also do so, which is why I share my stories at the rice fields with them, i think i'll post one, ms G, you need to visiit, fast! lol! have a good day everyone. :)

Jena Isle said...

Hello Aj,

You're right, let's go back to the farms, perhaps encourage more people to farm...good insight.

Jena Isle said...


I enjoyed the video...he he he,,you know my

ajchtar said...

jena i live in the farms, seriously! lol! i love the farm life and hope others will realize how good it is too!:)

Jena Isle said...


You do? And I thought you lived in the city proper.


I mean the

ajchtar said...

yes Jena, i live in the vast farms of the region, the internet connection here needs repair-badly, its time to come back to farm life everyone!! :)

MinnieRunner said...

It was beautifully crafted Jen. I hope I could visit the place someday. Before I set my foot on a foreign land, I really wish I could wander around the Philippines first.

ajchtar said...

there is only one jeepney ride that goes to kalinga daily, its a five hour trip, once a day, and always full, you'll need a private vehicle if you want to get there comfortably. :)

Jena Isle said...

Hello Aj, then we'll hire a private
