Her comment is the most appropriate and the most creative. I like how she described the daily chores of the young kalinga man, and how the young man would have aspired for an excellent education. Read Tasha's comments below.
My input; The Kalinga man was able to achieve that education in a prestigious university in the city. He brought pride to the native folk by gaining honors and accolade because of his academic and non academic accomplishments.
He is proud to belong to the cultural minority - The Kalingas- and wear this identity like an honor badge.
In this picture, a cultural festival was celebrated in the city. The Kalinga man - already successful with a family of his own - took off his city clothes and proudly donned his native Kalinga costume.
Some would not dare bare their almost naked bodies to show the world that they belong to the cultural minority, but the Kalinga Man is different - he takes pride in it because he knows that there are lots of reasons to be proud of his origin; and that belonging to a certain group of people does not define you as a person. It is what you become that counts.
So in this picture, he had gone to the festivity in his native costume, not only to show the world that he is a Kalinga, but also to share his rich culture and tradition. (Taddok) dances, Salidummays (songs). He has a burning fervor for life!
He had his camera with him and was taking pictures of his family and friends. While doing this, a close friend saw the unique, beautiful contrast of culture and technology in the Kalinga man's pose... and had clicked, in return, this perfect shot!
I have decided to award 4 (four) winners - 1st, 2nd and 3rd ( 500 EC, 300 EC and 150 EC) and a special award (her comment made me smile, and yes the Kalinga man is more updated than me and perhaps you (lol) - 100 EC) . For the rest of the participants -(50 EC each)
I have also mentioned all the participants in a blog roll in this post. My way of saying thank you, in behalf of the Kalinga man and of course, also from me.

This picture is a perfect illustration of how modern technology and indigenous way of life can be perfectly married. The sight of a Kalinga man in his native attire wielding a camera to capture the beauty of his surroundings is not commonplace, but it does not mean that it is not practicable. By all means, he has all the right and he has the know-how, i suppose, to be using that intimidating piece of gadget.
This is to show that tradition and technology need not be separated and alienated. If one choose being traditional and proud of it, doesn't mean he shun technology and be un-knowledgeable about it. A nice photo.
The tourist already snap the sexy and buff Kalinga man in his traditional outfit, and now they want altogether picture of themselves without someone absent behind camera and the Kalinga man he volunteers to take picture for them, cuz actually he has a better digital camera than theirs back in the old village and what's more the Kalinga man has a blog that gets more hits than either you or me.

Miss Write

The Kalinga Man
As a youngster, he wakes up at the crack of dawn to feed the chicken and the pigs. Then he takes the carabao to pasture before going to school. As the youngster becomes a teenager, he goes to the forest to cut down trees with an axe. As he continues to do this chore, he starts to build those beautiful muscular arms of his. He gathers the fallen trees and makes a big pile. He bundles the pile with vines he collects from the forest, and then he swings the bundle over to his shoulder and carries it all the way home for mother to use to cook the family's supper. By doing this repeatedly, he builds and strengthens his beautiful muscles more.
(picture from me)

"The Kalinga Man and his daughter"
The Kalinga man seeks to better his life, so, he asks his parents if he's allowed to further his education in the city, away from his remote jungle home. His parents agree and send him away with a woven backpack to carry his things. He then enrolls at one of the country's most prestigious universities. He becomes educated in the ways of the modern civilization, and learns how to use and manipulate all kinds of electronic gadgets, including the camera. In order to supplement the money his parents sends him for school and living expenses, he works as a photographer for a local studio that provided him the camera to take pictures of foreigners who are touring his city.